Contact Sheena today on +64 21 316677

Sheena Hendon Health Eight Week Health & Weight Reset Programme

A holistic approach to weight management:
This plan is ideal for those who wish to lose up to 10 kg of weight over an 8 – week period. (Realistic, health and weight goals to be agreed by you and your health and wellness coach) All meal plans, lifestyle, dietary and exercise plans are developed by a qualified and Registered Nutritionist and Registered Naturopath. Developed to get long-term, sustainable results safely.


  • An initial 90-minute Health and wellness consultation:
    You will come in (or by teleconference such as Zoom) for this initial consultation.

What to expect.
In this first consultation, your qualified weight management specialist (Registered nutritionist, registered naturopath and health coach) will assess your needs and may take measurements of biological markers such as pH, muscle and fat mass, weight, height and body measures. We look at your whole health history and find out what part any imbalances endocrine, metabolic, digestive, liver, emotional and so forth may be playing in your weight gain, set goals and work with you to agree on a realistic health and wellness goals and develop an individually tailored weight loss package.We will take the time to discover any underlying health and wellness reasons that may be hindering you losing weight and if needs be we will send you away for up to date blood (or other) tests before we start on a programme.

We approach weight loss differently. That’s what will give you long-term success

While the scales give us part of the story we focus more on your health and wellness and getting to the root of the problem – such as metabolic imbalance, dehydration, inflammation, stress or depression, adrenals and thyroid imbalance, blood sugar imbalance and sugar cravings underlying digestive issues, increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat…

We may take weight, height and other measures if you are comfortable with this. We may also use the ‘clothes-ometer’ test and other health measures to work towards.

You will come away with an individualised plan for the full 8-week period – including a lifestyle, exercise and diet reprogramming plan. Depending on the individual, we may take you through a detoxification programme to assist immediate weight loss and or suggest supplements or herbs to support you. However, these are not compulsory.

Remember one size does not fit all. We are all different, with different needs and that is why your plan is unique to you.

  1. Up to seven weekly follow-up meetings of between 15 to 30 minutes depending on your need: These sessions may be done by Skype/phone or in person
  • The key to success is accountability and catching issues and challenges as they arise. During these sessions, we will track changes, develop action plans and goals and work through any challenges you are going through. The sessions may include;v Eating Out, recipes and menu ideas Supermarket shopping trips Fat burning and toning exercises you can do at home as well as a full exercise plan NLP sessions. Mind Over Matter – understanding how the physical and emotional parts of you work together and have them working in synergy, creating a fulfilling future and building self-esteem Mindful Eating v Maintenance. We are now fabulous. How do we maintain our new form?v And more…

3. Additional options 

  • Supermarket visits (normally 2 hours long). We will learn how to become a healthy shopper, budget, read food labels and learn to swop out unhealthy choices for healthier choices.
  • One -hour life coaching session with an NLP coach to explore and change any unhelpful beliefs, habits and behaviours around food and eating. We may teach stress management tools, mindful eating and other tools as needed. Your sessions are totally unique to you.


8-week weight reset programme option 1 90 mins initial consultation and plan plus 7 x 15 min weekly follow ups   Pay for programme up front $399Weekly direct debit $55 x 8 ($440)  
8-week weight reset programme option 2 90 mins initial consultation and plan plus 7 x 30 min weekly follow ups
Pay for programme up front $580
Weekly direct debit $75 x 8 ($600)
Additional options NLP sessions.
Supermarket visits
Cost of supplements and herbs. These are not compulsory. 
Services at a discounted price of $110 per hour for the duration of your programme


After you have achieved your initial weight loss it is important to ensure you do not put it back on again. This is where we work with you to educate you about long-term eating, exercise and other ways of leading a healthy lifestyle. Again, each session is tailored to your individual needs.

As a guide we would suggest a 30 min or 1- hour session once a month for 6 months with your health coach

6 month follow on lifestyle programme option 1  6 x 1hr sessions
Pay up front $660
Monthly $720
6 month follow on lifestyle programme option 2 6 x ½ hr sessions
Pay up front $330
Monthly $360
Additional options NLP sessions.
Supermarket visitsCost of supplements and herbs. These are not compulsory. 
Discounted price of $110 per hour


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