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Doterra 3Learning to support your own and your babies’ health naturally with nutrition and natural health including essential oils is one of the most empowering things you can do as an expectant mother.  Reducing your toxic load and exposure to chemicals and pharmaceuticals is important for you and your baby to thrive.  It is fun and easy to learn how to create your own remedies while avoiding the nasty ingredients found in so many conventional products.  

So, what do you need to know before you get started with essential oils?

It is recommended pregnant women be under the care of a physician and/or midwife and consult with them before taking or using any new products, to take into account their individual circumstances.

Only use the purest and best quality essential oils. I have been using Doterra oils with my family and clients for many years and have found that they only ones that prevent or treat ailments. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want more information about Doterra or essential oils in general. I can take you through their use by phone or Skype or in person.

The following information is taking directly from Aromatools.Doterra 5

Essential Oils to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Safety Data
It is tough to compile a list of oils and products to avoid during pregnancy. Each aromatherapist has a different opinion. Oils that are diluted, applied externally and in moderation should not create a problem.

This list is a compilation of the safety data contained in aromatherapy books written by the following authors: Ann Berwick, Julia Lawless, Shirley & Len Price, Jeanne Rose, Robert Tisserand, and Tony Balacs.

Avoid During Pregnancy

Single Oils: Basil, birch, calamus, cassia, cinnamon bark, hyssop, Idaho tansy, Laurel, L
avendin, mountain savory, mugwort, rosemary, thyme, sage, tarragon, wintergreen.

Use Cautiously During Pregnancy

Single Oils: Angelica, cedarwood, chamomile (German/blue), cistus, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Cumin (Black), cypress, D
avana, fennel, laurel, marjoram, Mountain savory, myrrh, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, rose, spearmint, vetiver, Yarrow

Essential Oil Dilution Chart for Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies.

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Which Oils Can Support Me in Pregnancy?

My first recommendation would be the Doterra Home Essentials Kit. Conventional medicine is essential when required, however, essential oils, herbal medicine, and supplements (as well as a healthy diet and lifestyle of course) helps you and your family to avoid taking pharmaceutical drugs. The natural approach to health and wellness can be used to support the immune systems, improve general health and manage symptoms of minor ailments; from ant bites to coughs and colds, with little or no side-effects and cost effectively.  I

Oils that can support me in pregnancy:

The following list is from All oils are Doterra essential oilsDoterra 4

Anxiety/Tension: Lavender, Ylang-ylang, Melissa, or myrrh. Diffuse or dilute and rub on the back of neck, temples, chest, shoulders, back or reflex points on the feet.

Breasts: Lavender (soothes), geranium (soothes), Roman chamomile (sore nipples), or fennel (tones). (Caution: Fennel should not be used for more than 10 days, as it will excessively increase flow through the urinary tract.) Add 3-5 drops to 1Tbs. Carrier oil, and massage on location.

Delivery: Lavender (stimulates circulation, calming, antiseptic), or clary sage. Add 3-5 drops to 1 Tbs. Carrier oil, and massage on hips, bottoms of feet, or abdomen.

Avoid Episiotomy: Geranium. Add 5-10 drops to 1/2 tsp. Fractionated Coconut or Olive oil and massage perineum.

Diffuse: Doterra Calming Blend or Joyful Blend

Tone uterus: Clary Sage. Apply 1-3 drops around the ankles to help tone uterus.

Transition: Basil. Dilute as recommended, and apply 1-2 drops to temples or abdomen.

Energy: Blend: Combine 2 drops Roman chamomile, two drops geranium, and 2 drops lavender in 2 tsp. Carrier oil, and massage into the skin.

Hemorrhaging: Helichrysum. Apply 1-3 drops on the lower back to help prevent hemorrhaging.

High Blood Pressure: Ylang ylang, eucalyptus, lavender, clover, clary sage, or lemon. Diffuse or dilute as recommended and apply on location, on reflex points on feet and hands, and over the heart. (Note: Avoid rosemary, thyme, and possibly peppermint.)
 Place 3 drops ylang-ylang in bathwater, and bathe in the evening twice a week.
Blend: Combine 5 drops geranium, eight drops lemongrass, and three drops lavender in 1 oz. Carrier oil. Rub over the heart and on reflex points on left foot and hand.

Doterra1Early Labour: Lavender. Gently apply 1-3 drops on the stomach or on heart area to help slow down labour.

During Labour: Clary sage (may combine with fennel). Apply 3 drops around ankles or on the abdomen.

Post Labour: Lavender or Geranium. Dilute as recommended, and apply 1-3 drops on the abdomen, ankles or bottoms of feet.

Lactation: Clary sage (start production), fennel or basil (increase production), peppermint (decrease production). Dilute as recommended, and apply 1-2 drops on breasts. Apply peppermint with a cold compress to help reduce production. (Caution: Fennel should not be used for more than ten days, as it will excessively increase flow through the urinary tract.)

Mastitis (Breast Infection): Lavender. Dilute as recommended, and apply 1-2 drops on breasts.

Miscarriage (After): Frankincense, grapefruit, geranium, lavender, or Roman chamomile. Dilute 5-6 drops in 1 Tbs. Carrier oil, and massage on back, legs, and arms. Add 3-4 drops to warm bathwater, and bathe.

Morning Sickness: Ginger or peppermint. Dilute and apply 1-3 drops on ears, down jaw bone, and on reflex points on the feet. Place 1-3 drops of ginger in an empty capsule with 1-3 drops of olive oil; swallow capsule. Diffuse into the air, inhale directly from the bottle, or apply oil to hands, tissue, or cotton ball, and inhale.

Placenta: Basil (to help retain). Dilute and apply 1-2 drops on the lower abdomen and reflex points on the feet.

Postpartum Depression: Joyful Blend, lemon, lavender, frankincense, clary sage, geranium, grapefruit, bergamot, Grounding Blend, myrrh, or orange. Diffuse or dilute and apply 1-2 drops to temple or forehead. Add 5-10 drops to 1 Tbs. Carrier oil and use as massage oil. Add 1-3 drops to war bathwater, and bathe.

Preeclampsia (see also High Blood Pressure above): Cypress. Diffuse or dilute 1:1 in a carrier oil, and apply 1-2 drops on bottoms of feet and abdomen.

Self Love: Joyful Blend. Diffuse into the air or wear as perfume.

For more information on the use of essential oils and aromatherapy for pregnancy and motherhood, please click here.

Next steps

Please do contact me for support during pregnancy and for information about essential oil use and Doterra oil purchase. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The information above is an abridgment from the Modern Essentials “Personal Usage Guide” section by AromaTools. This information has been designed to help educate the reader regarding the subject matter covered. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher, the authors, and AromaTools, LLC are not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. It is not provided to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body. The authors, publisher, and AromaTools LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity on any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this information. The information presented is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counselling. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a qualified health care professional.



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